I agree with your conclusions re. what we need:

- Less performance and size

- More sensible variety, less complexity, less function creep

- More durability and ease of maintenance, focus on repair, not replace

A fourth point I would like to add: We need more car sharing. Most privately owned cars (and company cars, too) spend 95% of their life time parked somewhere. Car sharing cars spend less time parked and more time in use which reduces the necessary number of cars for the same amount of driving. Car sharing won't solve all problems, but can make a significant contribution to reducing the absolute number of registered vehicles. Plus, with car sharing you are not tied to the one car that is too big most of the time and too small for some occasions, but can select a car accordingly to your need case by case.

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Hi @gnaddrig, and first of all thanks for your comment. The truth is that I feared making the post too long, and also wanted to publish it today, because I'll be quite busy until mid-next week, so I cut it short.

Because I fully agree with you about the need for more car sharing. What you write is exactly why I wrote things like "people bould be happier WITHOUT OWNING" or "[making] really sustainable to USE a car", instead of owning one. Please share the post as much as you see fit!

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Hi Marco, sure, the text is long enough as it is already, and you make a number of good points. And you can always add another text to pick up where you left today and elaborate on things like car sharing etc. The topic of cars and what's wrong with the direction car manufacturers are going will be with us for a while yet...

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exactly! Stay tuned!

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