Greetings, I am not sure which post I am replying to concerning artificial Intelligence and robotics. I wrote a proposed law in my book "Dreaming of a Better World" I would like to share. Article 19 of the Constitution I drafted titled "Right and Duty to Work" states in the last paragraph: "Robotic and Artificial Intelligence Devices cannot replace humans in the workplace unless the tasks they perform would significantly reduce the risk to human health and safety or create more jobs than they would ultimately eliminate."

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Hi, and thanks for your feedback. I think you may prefer to post this comment of yours on this other post, which is not (explicitly) about AI, but says a lot about automation: https://mfioretti.substack.com/p/ubi-ai-and-reality-always-in-the

I have some feedback about your comment, but would prefer to post it in that other thread, to make this conversation to others also interested in automation. Thanks!

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I agree that we need to propagate nuclear power plants. However, SMRs are a great idea they have one major hurdle to solve - security. Terrrorists would love to get their grubby hands on nuclear waste, fuel or the SMR itself. They can do nothing with windmills and solar arrays to further their agendas. Your post is contains a treasure trove of information. Your lead-in about not trusting the Italian government to run nuclear facilities foretolds the future.

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Hi, and my apologies for the late answer. Yes, anything nuclear is more interesting for terrorists than solar or wind equipment. At least in theory, I'm not sure why a terrorist would want to get, rather than destroy, an actual SMR, or how he could actually "get" it. But this doesn't change the main issue at all, does it? The issue that is that there must be some nuclear in the future, I mean.

So, on one side, it's just something we'll have to deal with. On the other... if everybody gets energy from something that is much less concentrated in a few, mostly politically questionable places than oil, terrorism would become much less of an issue, wouldn't it?

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